Registration Requirement:
Publication of the accepted paper in the proceedings is on the basis that at least one of the authors must register and present the paper at the symposium. In the cases where more than two papers have the same name as either the principle author or the co-author, publication fee for each additional paper will be charged, if only one of the authors will present at the symposium.
Registration Fees: |
Before 01/09/2010 |
After 01/09/2010 |
Student Participater Price |
150 € |
200 € |
Normal Participater Price |
200 € |
250 € |
Information for the Bank transfer can be seen below. Please send a digital copy of the money transfer document to the symposium secreteriat.
Name of the Bank: Citibank
Adress: Vasıf Çınar Blv. No:19/B Alsancak İzmir Türkiye
Account: 4103010433
IBAN Code: TR38 0009 2000 0000 4103 0104 33
Payee: Rasim Alizade